Use "international relations|international relation" in a sentence

1. Effect of International Private International Law on Contemporary International Relations.

2. • ACD -International Cultural Relations Bureau

3. Modern and contemporary history: International relations.

4. 25 Subjects within international relations include war, interstate conflict resolution, international law, regional alliances, colonialism, and international organizations.

5. Cambridge Core - International Relations and International Organisations - Bureaucratizing Islam - by Ann Marie Wainscott

6. Koenders studied political science and international relations.

7. He is a specialist in International Relations theory.

8. There have been positive developments in international relations.

9. Secondly, it analyzes the nature of international economic relations and straightens out the relationship between International Economic Law and Private International Law.

10. Accountability in international affairs is about respecting international law — the rules that govern relations among States.

11. News discussing the current international relations with Katie Couric.

12. Can the damage done to international relations be repaired?

13. Attalid Asia Minor: Money, International Relations, and the State

14. The precursor to liberal international relations theory was "idealism".

15. Historically, sport has been a cohesive force in international relations.

16. 11 Can the damage done to international relations be repaired?

17. Theories of international relations influence those who decide foreign policy.

18. She will take a two-year M Phil in international relations.

19. * International relations are a mix of advancing interests and exercising influence.

20. Factors encouraging instability and conflict continue to accumulate in international relations.

21. Bipolarity structure in the international relations system after World War II

22. Liberalism is one of the main schools of international relations theory.

23. It printed its own currency and postage, and maintained international relations.

24. "Contending Theories of International Relations" is an excellent book

25. UNESCO has official relations with 322 international non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

26. In international relations such leaders find it difficult to trust one another.

27. The report is bound to add a new irritant to international relations.

28. The extraterritorial effect of national competition law results in more international conflicts, relation between trade and competition highlights in the international society.

29. At the international level Aglietta argues that the principal mechanism regulating the economic relations between national states is the international financial system.

30. Anarchy provides foundations for realist, liberal, neorealist, and neoliberal paradigms of international relations

31. It relies on comparative policies, international relations, history, science, political economy and development.

32. Few foreign companies operate in Tehran, due to the government's complex international relations.

33. Besides, I like to think that I'm doing my part for international relations.

34. 6 International law (otherwise known as public international law or the law of nations) is the system of law which governs relations between states.

35. Realism can fairly be called the dominant theory in the history of International Relations.

36. Conditionality is a concept in international development, political economy and international relations which describes the use of conditions attached to a loan, debt relief, bilateral aid or membership of international organizations, typically by the international financial institutions, regional organizations or donor countries.

37. Much of the talk about integrating international issues into the curriculum is public relations gibberish.

38. In addition, this employers' association could establish official relations with the ILO (International Labour Organization).

39. Customary law plays a somewhat more important part in international relations, for example, in trade

40. The British Council is the United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities.

41. 4 Public International Law, Private International Law, International Trade Law, WTO law, International Human Rights Law, Maritime Law, International Investment Law.

42. 8 Have discussed the relation following relation,( and natural law with the domestic law at ease with the public international law respectively.

43. International Priority Airmail / International Surface Airlift

44. The discussions covered further steps to improve and consolidate their bilateral relations, regional and international issues.

45. 19 There are diplomatic risks to any Iraqi incursion, according to international relations expert Soli Ozel.

46. On the international front, activity will concentrate particularly on relations with the countries applying for accession.

47. In international relations, Constructivism is regarded to be the starting point of the institutionalization of values that leads to the development of collaborative behaviors within the international society

48. Currency Convertibility Author: Janis Wilkins Read related entries on C, CU, Exchange policy, Finance, International finance, International monetary system, Monetary agreement, Monetary economics, Monetary policy, Monetary relations, Money market

49. Yonas Ashine Demisse is an assistant professor of political science and international relations at Addis Ababa University

50. He has a degree in economics and international relations, works for the government, and has travelled abroad.

51. Here, modern concepts of diplomacy and international relations are often at variance with those of this period.

52. Underlying Bipartisanship is the hope that the United States can present a unified voice in international relations

53. It was a productive and friendly meeting, covering the entire range of bilateral relations and international issues.

54. In my view, analogous considerations should also apply in relation to international agreements concluded by the Community.

55. Anarchy, in political science and the study of international relations, the absence of any authority superior to nation-states and capable of arbitrating their disputes and enforcing international law.

56. Each level of government can be involved in scientific research and international relations associated with its powers.

57. We put our faith in the effectiveness and absolute primacy of the legal instruments governing international relations

58. We put our faith in the effectiveness and absolute primacy of the legal instruments governing international relations.

59. Evidently, the concern for collective security was not to be allowed to interfere with normal international relations.

60. If International Relations aspires to be a science, it must be open-minded about what that entails.

61. International Arrivals All international Arrivals (except Toronto flights) arrive at the International Arrivals Terminal

62. Navigation Path: Home > The European Central Bank > Educational > Videos > Independence, accountability and international relations

63. A member of the Council of Foreign Relations, his resume shows a continuing interest in international economic affairs.

64. Even as U.S. soccer franchises seek friendlier confines, the sport itself is being credited with helping international relations.

65. Such accusations are an affront to the principles of friendly international relations, as well as simple human decency.

66. The proliferation of unilateral acts of States and their legal effects had a major impact on international relations

67. This has increased their weight and profile in international relations and enhanced their capacity to influence global events.

68. International Olympic Committee leadership of the international social movement.

69. Customary international law is one component of international law.Customary international law refers to international obligations arising from established international practices, as opposed to obligations arising from formal written conventions and treaties

70. It is squarely in the scientific tradition and is a conscious attempt to apply scientific method to international relations.

71. The individual nation state is often therefore presented as a self-contained unit, analytically prior to its international relations.

72. In any case, in focusing on particular states it tended to reinforce the state-centric view of International Relations.

73. International laws.

74. Aug # ep # ounsellor, Head of the Department of Multilateral relations and International organizations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

75. Many international Brides come from creating international locations in Asia

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77. Blood+ is licensed for international distribution in several regions through Sony Pictures' international arm, Sony Pictures Television International (SPTI).

78. He also separately dealt with imperialism , national revolution , agrarian revolution and the Communist International and its relations with communist parties .

79. Accepting the limitations and constraints in international relations in an inter-dependent world will surely promote both multilateralism and multipolarity.

80. The media tell it whenever they present international relations as a dramatic encounter between world leaders who personify their countries.